当涉及到出口产品到海外, companies have to weigh a wide-ranging number of regulatory considerations when managing their overseas relationships. 其中包括《皇冠365官方app》。, 是由国务院管理的, 和《皇冠365app下载》, 是由商务部监管的吗. The ITAR focuses on the export of the most sensitive defense-related items and services covered on the U.S. 军需物品清单(USML). The EAR, 另一方面, applies to a much broader range of items that the Commerce Control List (CCL) describes. Export control reforms over the past decade have also moved many less-sensitive military items, spacecraft, 和枪支进入EAR的管辖范围.

Each set of regulations involves complex classification questions and compliance issues that, 如果地址不正确, 可能导致严厉的民事和刑事制裁. Companies can avoid the numerous common mistakes that often plague organizations adapting to export compliance by asking the right questions and creating proactive solutions. 以这种方式, companies can turn their attention to global expansion and profits without stressing over attendant export technicalities.

Here are some of the questions companies building up their export programs should review as they get acquainted with ITAR and EAR, 以及他们如何避免与这些规则相关的常见问题:

1. ITAR或EAR是否适用于我的产品和服务?

At ECTI, we have found that the biggest early-stage mistake companies make is that they assume their products, 技术, software, 或服务必须立即受ITAR或EAR的规管. 这是一个非常普遍的误解. Failing to conduct initial due diligence about your regulatory obligations could unnecessarily subject your company to added compliance burdens, 特别是在ITAR下. 使用ITAR, 公司将面临更多的记录保存, 登记, 以及与EAR相比的开销需求.  确认贵公司是否需要办理出口许可证, you must confirm whether your items and services actually fall within the purview of either regulation.

动作步骤: 首先审查USML,以评估某些内容是否受ITAR的约束.  即使您的项目没有明确标识的USML, be sure to additionally review USML paragraphs which use the phrase “specially designed” to bring additional items under ITAR control. 如果USML没有描述该项目, proceed to run through a similar process with EAR by reviewing the CCL to assess whether your items falls within any of the list’s Export Control 分类 Numbers (ECCNs).

2. 我公司的活动是否需要发牌?

在ITAR和EAR下, you do not need to ship a physical item internationally to engage in what either law considers “exporting.根据ITAR, 例如, simply negotiating and sharing information related to a simple deal in your home office could be classified as “exporting,” even if you do so on American soil (it might even be considered arms brokering). 即使在一般限制较少的EAR下也是如此, conducting mundane business with an entity on a restricted parties list can trigger an export license requirement. Therefore, companies must conduct their due diligence to assess whether the ways they conduct business would necessitate a license—especially since neither set of regulations typically requires evidence of requisite intent to establish liability.

动作步骤: Convene with your in-house counsel and stakeholders to map out the processes your company typically takes when conducting business, 运输有形产品, 共享无形信息和技术数据. Afterward, work with your in-house export professionals and counsel to assess whether any of your activities could amount to exporting activities under ITAR and EAR’s respective definitions.

3. 我该如何给我的物品分类?

Properly classifying your items can be key for helping your company avoid serious sanctions. 2021年,Photonics Industries International 这是来之不易的教训 在出口一批激光系统后,它将其归类为EAR99, 一种常见的分类,很少触发许可证要求. 当时光子公司运送这些激光器, the BIS classified those products in ECCN 6A005 items and controlled them for anti-terrorism (AT) and national security (NS) reasons. As a result, Photonics获得了350美元的奖金,000 settlement with the BIS for its failure to obtain a license to export those lasers. Simply put, 不恰当的物品分类会使你的公司面临昂贵的罚款, settlements, 与相关监管机构的同意协议, 以及其他破坏性成本.

动作步骤: ECTI提供了许多 课程包 and 按需网络研讨会 featuring classification experts who can walk you through common issues when classifying your products. You can also always request an official agency classification opinion by filing for commodity jurisdiction (CJ) with 国务院 or filing a classification request through 商务部’s SNAP-R portal.

4. 我是否应该申请许可证,或者是否适用豁免/例外?

In the end, based on your research and due diligence, you may need to apply for a license. 当你这样做的时候, you should look to the rules to assess whether you may qualify for an exemption or exception. ECTI’s ITAR和EAR课程包 还能在这方面提供有用的建议吗

行动步骤(EAR): 如果您的物品受EAR管制, there are a number of fairly broad license exceptions which authorize many export transactions without need for a license. 如果是结案的话, it may behoove you to apply for a license anyway and provide all the available information about your items, 事务性合作伙伴, 以及可能的最终用途. 通过这种方式提交许可证申请, you will shift the burden to the BIS for determining whether export licenses for your items is necessary.



幸运的是, there are valuable resources companies can consult to assess whether their compliance efforts are heading in the right direction. 合规团队可以参考的一些有价值的出版物包括:

  • The Commerce and State Department’s compliance program guidelines and websites,其中包括有用的常见问题解答、说明和指导文件.
  • 《皇冠365官方app》(CFR)和《皇冠365app下载》公告; 哪些列出规管标准及相关修订.
  • 联邦法规有关规定的诏书和序言; which can offer helpful illustrations and examples to inform your compliance strategies.
  • 建立合规框架,包括纳恩-沃尔福威茨报告. The Nunn-Wolfowitz Report outlines export-minded best practices that continue today, 特别是在ITAR合规方面.
  • BIS在线决策树,提供 自动化工具 确定ECCN分类问题.
  • 最近的同意令和监督协议副本,可以突出两者的经验教训 国务院 and 商务部 on what not to do.

We hope this article helps you understand how to get started with EAR and ITAR basics the right way, 以及这些步骤和注意事项如何适用于您的公司. 如前所述,出口合规是一项复杂而细致的工作. Your company’s investments rely on achieving 100% compliance with all applicable export regulations and controls. That said, 这是完全可以实现的——你可以做到, provided you take the necessary time up front to align with an established and widely acclaimed 出口合规培训伙伴 谁可以一步一步地指导您走向法规遵循的成功.


您对开始使用ITAR或EAR有什么问题吗, 或您公司面临的其他出口合规挑战? Visit tr2.labfisikauin.com 了解皇冠365官方app的公司,皇冠365官方app的教师,皇冠365官方app的员工和皇冠365官方app尊敬的人 出口合规专家(ECoP®)认证程序. 找到即将到来的 e-seminars现场研讨会 and 生活皇冠365官方app, and to 浏览皇冠365官方app的目录80多个按需网络研讨会参观皇冠365官方app的ECTI学院. You also can call the 皇冠365官方app at 540-433-3977 for more information.

斯科特Gearity 是ECTI公司的总裁.